Monthly Meeting September 2015 Report
“From Painting to Fine Art” by Jan Wallake
Jan Wallake, signature member of the Transparent Watercolor Society, author, and workshop leader demonstrated the difference between a good painting and a work of art worthy of a national show. Wallake had been juror for the Houston international show in 2013. She showed slides of over 400 entries including the 89 she chose to be in the show, and made comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the paintings. “I chose only those that had excellent design and composition,” Wallake emphasized. “I was asked to select 100, but only 89 met my criteria.” Wallake talked about the “content” of the painting which includes technique, but also a “story which invites you in and engages the viewer.” She stressed good, confident brush work. “Although technique is important, there must be cohesive design. Even if you find a technique that works for you, don’t ‘park there’.” she cautioned. “This stifles creativity.” She advised against the current ‘in-subjects’. “One year it’s cows, then it’s chrome, then it’s cut glass.” Jan Wallake’s pouring technique will be the focus of her October workshop.
Kathy Braud won the State Fair Award from NorthStar Watermedia Society this year. She brought her painting to the September meeting so the members could see her prize! Nice painting, Kathy! NorthStar offers an award at the state fair to honor NorthStar members who enter and get into the State Fair Fine Arts Show. Congratulations Kathy!