Member News
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ December 1, 2017
We welcome new members to NorthStar for 2018!
Fred Dingler Nancy Larson Karen Lenhart Katy Livingston Artis Salemo Steven Freund Ellen Jean Diederich Nancy Lancaster Jan Johansen
Christine Alfery Darlene Mowry Barbara Sparks Ann Strack _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September 28, 2017 Member Kathy Braud received an honorable mention award at the 2017 Juried Exhibit in the Jaques Art Center, Aitkin, MN. The show runs from Sept 8 through Oct 28, 2017. Her painting, “Dandy Puff,” is a watercolor and acrylic painting. 92 paintings are displayed in the show.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ August 2, 2017 Member Robert Jeffrey is very happy to announce that his painting “Paris Times Two” has been honored by being selected into the 2017 State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ July 7, 2017 Leon Beck was a long-time member of the NorthStar Watermedia Society and a former President. As an artist he participated in art fairs and shows but he is now retired. He requested that we pass on the following information to the membership. For Sale: Art Show Display Panels & Canopy – $750 or best offer Includes the following: Display Panels — 8 aluminum display panels (heavy-duty, lightweight mesh, no tears) 6 panels, each 6 ft x 38 in (3 connected panels = a side of the canopy) 2 panels, each 6 ft by 48 in Hardware for various panel arrangements: 2 adjustable, bracing stabilizers for the panels 4 extensions, 18 in each to raise panels for indoor displays Two-wheel dolly for transporting panels Several iron stakes for securing outdoor display Pop-up Canopy — 10 ft by 10 ft with detachable drop-down side walls. Contact: Leon Beck or phone 651-528-930.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mar. 15, 2017 Member Tara Sweeney and her son, Nate Christopherson, have been awarded a 2017 Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative grant to illustrate a series of 29 objects from the American Swedish Institute’s historic collection, each one representing a letter of the Swedish alphabet. They will work in ASI’s public galleries as resident artists this summer. Sweeney’s lush watercolors create glowing portraits of objects for Christopherson’s mischievous little characters to explore in ways the rest of us might not dare. The collaborative watercolor and ink narrative drawings encourage intergenerational storytelling, showcase ASI’s collection, create a fun, illustrated language resource, and will help celebrate ASI’s 90 years as a collecting museum 2018-19. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a 2017 Artist Initiative grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mar. 11, 2017 Member LouAnn Hoppe announces that her watercolor batik painting “Cabin in the Birch Woods\” has been accepted into the White Bear Center for the Arts Northern Lights Exhibition. Opening reception is 6:30 to 8:30 on March 23, 2017.
Feb. 15, 2017 Member David Smith announces that his painting “May I Come In?” earned him Signature Status with the American Watercolor Society. It has also been announced that the painting received the High Winds Medal at the AWS Exhibition in New York City.
November 16, 2016 Member Kathy Braud received the Blue Ribbon Award at the Artist Reception 11/12/2016 in Blaine Government Center, Blaine, for her Hibiscus Blossoms. This painting is a 22 x 30 watercolor floral, on display for the Artist del Norte exhibition, Northern Showcase Oct 31 – Nov 26, 2016.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 9, 2016 Member LouAnn Hoppe as two Courage Kenny cards this holiday season. “Sunrise Over the Creek” was in the 2015 National show. The other is “Blue Pines” They are available in Macy’s nationally and online at _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
August 8, 2016
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May 15, 2016
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ April 28, 2016 Welcome to the following new members: Joan Benner Greg Chalmera Bonnie Dyer Featherstone Francine Kaufenberg Beth Lunsford Mary Meinert André Nelson Dave Remely Merle Schoess
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ April 19, 2016
Kathy Braud, Little Falls Artist, received an Award of Excellence in the Northern Showcase art exhibition held 11/14/2015 at Blaine City Hall on the watercolor painting, “Four Clucks”. This same painting received “Best Watercolor – North Star Watermedia Society” award at the 2015 Minnesota State Fair Fine Arts Juried Exhibition this August. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ October 5, 2015: 2015 FALL ART SHOW AND SALE Friday, November 13th, from 1 – 6 p.m.; Saturday, November 14th, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Sunday, November 15th, from 1 – 4 p.m. Artists: Lee Winberg, Faye Mader and Alice Holm Location: Lee Winberg’s Home at 2298 Stephani Court, Little Canada, MN 55117. Come and browse through our original art work – watercolor, note cards and we’ve added pottery this year! Please stay and enjoy some refreshments! Bring your friends, too! ~~ Cash or Checks Only, Please _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________March 16, 2015:

Gail Speckmann will be leading “Sights & Sounds of Belgium & Northern France” this April 14-24, 2015. Full itinerary brochure is on my website: This is a tour in which I feature the cultural side of the countries visited, highlighting the arts: visual, written, & musical. I work with people on creating better compositions in their photography, which can later help in their paintings or other artistic expressions. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ August 7, 2014: Toni Watt’s art work is being displayed at Curran’s Family Restaurant which is located at 42nd St. and Nicollete Ave. South, Minneapolis. Curran’s is on the SE corner. The show is now in place and will be there until September 30, 2014. Toni has selected 12 pieces from earlier and recent years, and across many mediums. There are several water media paintings along with oil, ink wash, lithograph, pastel and cut paper design hanging in the East dinning room. Toni hopes you are able to see it all as it is a lively and very diverse show. One recent image to show you that was produced in large part at the Wednesday paint- ins in Roseville in 2013, called “Lilly Pads”.
PLEASE NOTE: Late fees have now been waived entirely for registrations to Art On A Line. Packets will be distributed at the March 27 meeting.

NOVEMBER 26, 2013: Watercolor and Asian Brush Painting Demonstrations by NorthStar member David R. Smith Sat., Dec. 7. Noon – 4pm. Gallery Immaginé (Studio 183) in the Northrup King Building, 1500 Jackson St. NE., Minneapolis. Get in the Holiday Spirit while enjoying hot apple cider, beautiful art (200 artists in the Northrup King Bldg.), and while learning new techniques as I have fun throwing paint. Demo Schedule: 12–12:30pm Bamboo; 12:50 – 1:20pm Asian Peony; 1:40 – 2:10 Winter Landscapes Break 2:30 – 3:00 Lake Superior Rocks Break 3:20 – 3:50pm Sun Rise & Misty Mountain Lake. Immaginé Gallery Hours: Fridays & Saturdays until Jan. 1 (Saturdays thereafter) Noon – 4pm; First Thursdays of every Month: 5pm – 9pm. Note: We have 12 chairs available. You are welcome to bring a folding chair if you’re concerned about standing. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OCTOBER 30, 2013: FALL ART SHOW AND SALE at LEE’s Fri., Nov. 8, from 1 – 5pm; Sat. Nov. 9, 10am-4pm; and Sun., Nov. 10 from 1-4pm. Location: Lee Winberg’s Home at 2298 Stephani Court, Little Canada, MN Artists: Lee Winberg, Faye Mader and Mary Janssen invite you to come and browse through some of their original art work – Watercolor, Acrylic, Mixed Media and some Oil paintings, collages, and note cards (both traditional and contemporary)! Please stay and enjoy some refreshments! Bring your friends, too! Directions: • Take Hwy. 36 to Rice Street. • Go North 1 block to Minnesota Avenue. • Turn right (East) onto Minnesota Ave., at McDonald\’s. (Then, go about two blocks to Cobblestone Village.) • Turn left (North) on Stephani Court (just past the entrance to Cobblestone). • 2298 Stephani Court is on the East side of the cul de sac. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OCTOBER 24, 2013: WELCOME to these new NSWS members: Waltraud Brogren Kathleen Kroska Sarah Neglia Rebecca Swift Rockie Weymouth _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEPTEMBER 23, 2013: WELCOME to these new or returning NSWS members: Shirley Amundsen Carol Eshelman Susan Rideout Amy Mammen Michaelin Otis Linda Olson Betty Brownell Sandra Carroll Linda Conway Carolyn Earl Judity Meyeraan Diane Nelson Jim Nippoldt Karen Sorensen Linda Stout Katie Zdechlik _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEPTEMBER 23, 2013: Member Wayne Sisel has two paintings in an exhibition of Architecture alums at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the Dean\’s Office Gallery. The show will run for one month. Ann Sisel & Wayne Sisel each have a painting in the Montana Watercolor Society’s 31st annual Watermedia 2013, National Juried Exhibition at the Bigfork Museum of Art & History, Bigfork, MT. Juror: Sue Archer. Show runs Oct 1-31. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEPTEMBER 18, 2013: NorthStar Watermedia member Judith Hallbeck Meyeraan has won the Best in Show award at the Minnesota Watercolor Society Fall 2013 Exhibition, at Colonial Church in Edina. Judging the show was Rachel Daly Flentje, the Visual Arts Program Director at the Bloomington Theater and Art Center. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AUGUST 23, 2013:
Congratulations to member (and Board member) Barb Parisien who won 2nd Place in the Watercolor category at the 2013 Minnesota State Fair! Her painting was title “Morning Market 4”. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AUGUST 23, 2013: Last night the NorthStar Board of Directors met in a marathon 3.5 hour meeting to address the report of the Re-Visioning Committee. The committee submitted an 8-page report made up almost entirely of suggestions and recommendations for the future direction of the Society. More than a dozen resolutions were passed at the meeting from this first report, and it means that NorthStar Watermedia is on the move to carry us forward with new programs and new directions to meet the technological age and increase membership, without loosing our mission to meet the needs of existing members. Look for more “bang for your membership bucks”: for example the board voted to change the 9-month operations/meetings, to now be 12-months! Watch for more details about other great news about our future! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
AUGUST 22, 2013
AUGUST 12, 2013 NSWS member Barb Parisien wishes to invite everyone to an Evening of Art And Music, August 17, 7-9pm. Barb will be exhibiting her art at the event, held at J & S Bean Factory, 1518 Randolph Ave., St. Paul. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JUNE 4, 2013 We are pleased to welcome these new or returning members to NorthStar Watermedia Society: Carol Dittbenner Judith Meyeraan Craig Roney _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JUNE 3, 2013: Member Heidi Nelson and First Lutheran church are having a celebration of the completion of a large mural Nelson has been painting there (in acrylics) for the better part of two years. The mural, on the theme of \”the Big God Story.\” is 516 sq. ft. It is painted on a large pan ceiling angling down from a nine foot square skylight that includes a frame and golden columns. Please join Heidi and see the mural between 9 and 11:30 am on Sunday July 21. at 4000 Linden St., which is a frontage road off highway 61 just south of Polar Chevrolet, just south of the city of White Bear Lake. You can also contact her directly and we could arrange a time to meet there if that time frame does not work for you. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MAY 11, 2013:
This morning there was a wonderful segment on KARE11! THANKS to them for giving us the opportunity to let everyone know about the upcoming Art On A Line. Read about it and see the segment by going to _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MAY 7, 2013: We are lucky enough to have a segment on KARE 11 to highlight ART ON A LINE this Saturday, May 11th at approximately 8:15 a.m. An interview will be conducted by Belinda Jensen with one of our NorthStar members, Diane Lee. Please tune in and watch. Thank you! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MARCH 26, 2013:
This past Sunday NSWS once again had tables at Midtown Global Market where our members demonstrated their painting techniques and handed out information to people — especially about the upcoming Art On A Line in May! Thanks to Midtown GlobalMarket for giving us this opportunity and thanks to all of our volunteers who have participated to represent NSWS!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MARCH 22, 2013:NorthStar Watermedia Society member Marie Hammond is teaching a 3-day watercolor & casein workshop for the Brush & Palette Club in Alexandria, MN on April 10-12. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MARCH 22, 2013: NorthStar Watermedia Society wants to welcome the following new or returning members: Karen Campbell, Paul Seel, Jennifer Stone, Linda Wilcox _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MARCH 8, 2013: NSWS Member Dick Green has announced that one of his paintings was juried into the Transparent Watercolor of America 37th National Exhibition in Kenosha Wisconsin. Only 80 artists from around the country get juried into this prestigious show. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MARCH 4, 2013:
So many times we have artists do demos at meetings, and we never get to see the actual completed painting because of the time constraints. Well, for those of you at the February NSWS meeting, Edie Abnet was gracious enough to forward this photo of one of the two paintings she started at that demo… here in its completed form! THANKS Edie for a great demo and for letting us get a glimpse of the finished product! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEBRUARY 28, 2013:
Kathy Magnus reported that painting at Midtown Global Market last Sunday was a great success. Midtown Global Market had graciously invited NorthStar Watermedia Society to have some tables to represent our group — and we handed out several brochures and talked to people who seemed very interested in coming to Art On A Line in May. The weather cooperated and people came out! Left photo shows Jill Jacobson (left) and Patty Healy; Right photo shows Jill Jacobson and Patty Healy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEBRUARY 23, 2013: NorthStar Watermedia Society wants to welcome the following new or returning members: Terrie Christian, Tammy Kennen, Anita Martin, Joan Rassel, Paul Seel, Jennifer Stone and Linda Wilcox _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEBRUARY 6, 2013: NSWS welcomes these new or returning members: Linda Pratt, Therésa Weseman and Judith Stoffer
Please contact Kathy Magnus to reserve your time and for further information. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JANUARY 18, 2013: NSWS member Karen Knutson has been working on a “30 paintings in 30 days” challenge and is half way through! Check out her journey and her paintings (example image left) on her blog at ! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
JANUARY 16, 2013: NSWS member Kathy Braud found out yesterday that her painting, “Pastel Birch” (image right), received 1st Place in the “Winter in Minnesota” art show at Blaine City Hall, Blaine, MN. She reports that “trees can be colorful!” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DECEMBER 31, 2012: NSWS welcomes returning members Carolyn Earl and Barbara Strusinski (Preston), and new member, Donna LaBeau. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DECEMBER 10, 2012: NSWS member Lana Grow had a painting accepted into the Fallbrook Art Center CA 4th Annual Signature American Watercolor Exhibition. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DECEMBER 10, 2012: NSWS member Calvin deRuyter announced that he and NSWS member Susan Fryer Voigt will have a 2-person show at North Iowa Area Community College’s main gallery from Jan. 11 through March 20, 2013. The large college serves 3,700 degree students each year and thousands more through non-credit programs. The 500-acre campus offers 40 one- and two-year career programs. The reception for the exhibit will be February 11 at 2:30pm.. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DECEMBER 5, 2012: The NorthStar Watermedia Society want to welcome the following new members: Caroline Ampuero, Janis Dehler, Patti Konsti, Cate Larson, Joyce Moran, Janice Morris, Thomas Pace, Gail Thompson _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOVEMBER 28, 2012: NSWS member Lana Grow has been accepted into the Nautilus Fellowship in the International Society of Experimental Artists. Nautilus Fellowship is ISEA’s highest honor and requires being accepted into 6 ISEAs exhibitions. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOVEMBER 26, 2012: NSWS member Wayne Sisel’s painting PINES N’ PRAIRIE received an Honorable Mention Award in the Extremely Minnesota Show at Robbin Gallery. Jurors for the show were Doug Lew and Florence Hill. The show is open until December 16 (Wed – Sat, noon – 4pm, and Thurs evenings from 5:30 – 8:30pm. Robbin Gallery is located at 4915 42nd Ave N Robbinsdale. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OCTOBER 2, 2012; NSWS would like to welcome the following new members: Vicki J. Dean, Dianne Erickson, Dianne Ginsberg, Richard Jacobs, Kathryn Kobs, Mary Levesque, David Smith, Bonnie Swanson, Jerry Winters _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________