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Thanks for your Form Submission!

Posted on 15 November 2012 by Calvin deRuyter

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. Remember, a lot of this site is coordinated by volunteers, so it may take a few days to get your information online! Please be patient and send us more information that you would like to share with members! If, however, it has been several days and your information is still not ONLINE, please contact the webmaster to try and determine the problem!









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NorthStar Watermedia Society is
committed to working toward
a more inclusive, just, and
equitable community.



Member Slide Show Gallery

Sit back and enjoy the slideshow of member art. After a bit of time to upload, the slides are set for 10 second intervals--you can go faster than that by clicking on the slide image to bring you to the next one. Contact the artist directly if you wish to purchase or ask about one of their paintings.

Click the link below to see the latest slideshow.



Monthly meeting virtual demos and our DVD library are now available online for you to look at at any time!

You can go directly to the
YouTube Channel by clicking HERE.


NorthStar Watermedia Society Mission

To support and encourage watermedia artists through education and opportunities for enhancing and sharing their art.

NorthStar Watermedia Society Vision

To accomplish our mission through demonstrations and interactive painting events at our monthly meetings, paint-in and plein air events, small group weekly painting opportunities, and participation in our annual Members' Exhibition while enjoying social connections.