Encaustic painting is subject of Sylvia Benson demo in April; Second Harvest Heartland Food Drive will be a meeting focus
Thursday, April 18; Meeting and demo at 7pm. Rose Room, Roseville Skating Center, 2661 Civic Center Dr. (Lexington and County Road C), Roseville
Please plan to join us for the NorthStar April 18, 2013 meeting and demo. Our demo artist for the evening is Sylvia Benson. Sylvia Benson has been working in encaustic (painting with hot beeswax) since 2005. Her love for encaustic came after taking a class in North Carolina from an artist she had met in Giverny, France, while painting in an art study group in Monet’s Garden. Now, after several more classes and extensive experimenting, Sylvia is offering her “findings” in working with this medium. Encaustic offers an unending array of techniques that are unique to the medium. Texturing, collaging, and abstraction are just a few. There will be handouts detailing information needed to start working with this medium. During her demonstration, Sylvia will cover the history of encaustics, how to use and find the materials needed, processes and techniques used, and how to develop some exciting compositions with the different materials. S
ylvia is currently teaching classes in encaustic at the White Bear Center for the Arts and the Kelley Gallery in Hudson, WI. She has displayed her work in Door County at the Fine
Line Design Gallery as well as at Plymouth and Minnetonka galleries. At present, you can find her work at the Kelley Galleries in Hudson and Woodbury. She is having a show at the Hudson location on Friday, October 4th. We look forward to seeing you on the 18th!
Food Drive
Once again, NorthStar Watermedia has organized a food drive for Second Harvest Heartland. Please bring your non-perishable food donations and/or cash contributions to the April 18 meeting. Food donations should adhere to the following: • Non-perishable • No glass containers • No expired expiration dates Susan Fryer Voigt, along with her husband Bill, has very graciously volunteered to collect all the items and take them over to Second Harvest. Thank you, Susan and Bill! Please note that, in celebration of the food drive, all NorthStar artists are encouraged to bring a food-related painting to the April 18 meeting/demo. Because of this, please note that there will be NO peer voting.