David Smith and Food Drive was focus of September meeting!
The first meeting for this season was held Sept. 19, 2013
Program with David Smith Energy. Enthusiasm. Humor. David Smith provided all three in his September 19 demonstration. David’s first experience with watercolor in a class taught by NorthStar member, Dick Green, propelled him on his way. He also took up Chinese brush painting and spent many years working on this disciplined technique. As a Chinese brush painter, David explained the necessary supplies: Shuen paper and special inks which can be purchased through Oriental Art Supply, brushes which can be inexpensive but able to hold moisture. Loading the brush carefully and controlling the amount of water are paramount. The brush is held vertically and placed deliberately. Strokes are laid down quickly and can’t be corrected. Though requiring meditation and discipline, David asserts, “The process is fun!” He painted a grouping of bamboo, which is considered one of the “Four Gentlemen” in Chinese brush painting. The other “gentlemen” are the orchid, chrysanthemum, and plum.
In the second half of his demo, David showed his approach to watercolor by painting a group of trees with exposed roots. He wet the edges of the paper and the center, then created a bull’s eye applying premixed paints in yellow, red, and blue. Spraying with water while blow drying, he created interesting texture. Then he drew in the trees and completed the composition using negative and positive painting. In contrast with meditative Chinese brush painting, David claims to “just go crazy” with watercolor.
It was a jam-packed evening: two painting styles, food drive for Second Harvest Heartland, display of members’ paintings of food, and volunteer registration for “Sparkle”, the fall members’ exhibition.

Food Drive Report:
Thank you to all who contributed to the food shelf collection at our September meeting. Besides many pounds of food, we collected $552 in cash. At 18 meals per $5 donated, we provided 1,980 meals! THANKS to all who participated.