December 17, 2020
David Smith
David Smith began his demo by saying, “Let’s have some fun.” His reference photo was of a view of the Caribou River in northern Minnesota. He wet the front of his paper (140 # Arches rough) and toned the sky and forest with soft blues and greens, using a mop brush. He tilted the paper to allow the colors to mingle, then dried with a hair dryer.
Before starting the second wash, David sprayed the back of his paper and painted the trees with thicker paint, spattering with water “to keep it loose.” He dropped in thalo blue and indigo for darker shadow areas. He decided to add rocks under water by drawing squiggly lines, dropping in paint and letting it flow. It worked!
After drying a second time, he used a pointed # 12 Escoda Perla brush to define the figure, the rocks, and dominant trees.
David concluded by encouraging everyone to “keep those brushes wet, continue to develop skills, and cheer each other on.”